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The ugly truth about cellulite and the holy trinity in treating it.

In times when gyms are closed and sunny summer in just around the corner bringing short skirts and light dresses, it can be difficult to cope with the extra fat tissue around your waist, buttocks and thighs.

This monsters creature called cellulite is dimpling its way around your curves and no matter how you eat or exercise, it just won’t go away.  

Cellulite is very known term, especially for women, that describes unappealing landscapes on women’s body showing imperfections. Cellulite occures when body fat deep beneath the skin is pushed against the connective tissue that surrounds it creating dimpling appearance. Cellulite is not just an aesthetic condition; it is an indication of localised low-grade, chronic inflammation and an unhealthy state of the skin.

But there is the bad and the good news. So let’s start first with bad one.

The bad news

No matter of weight and body type more than 90% of women have cellulite and its presence is mostly determined by hormones and genetics. Estrogen plays a mayor role in it as well as your genetical predisposition. Women are more prone to have cellulite because their connecting tissue network is not thick as men’s, so that is why women are hit harder by this condition.

Unfortunately, it gets worse over the age. When we are young, our connective tissue is soft and elastic, stretching and smooth. When the hormones kick in, connective tissue stiffens while our fat cells tend to expand in certain areas, pushing out on the skin. With age connective tissues stiffens more pulling the skin down while fat cells store and push outward giving the result of unappealing landscape of dimples and bulges. Repeated cycles of weight gain and weight loss further compromise skin elasticity, making cellulite more pronounced.

The good news

There is a way to help prevent cellulite and treat it. Prevention includes healthy diet for keeping a healthy weight and reasonable muscle mass. With diet, you can balance your hormones and calories intake suitable for your activity level.


You may stick to the world’s best diet and exercise program, and still have cellulite. That is why treatments exist.

There is a whole range of treatments from invasive like liposucion to less invasive but costly like ultrasound and vacuum treatments that you can only get at special cosmetics studios, and the results are temporary.

There’s less invasive and less costly solution that brings good results that can last. Introducing anti-cellulite creams. But you must understand that not every anti-cellulite cream gives results and some of them can make it even worse.

The holy trinity in treatment

We admit that anti-cellulite creams alone cannot bring good results. Therefore, you must keep with the first two key points: less mono-saturated carbohydrates, processed and sugary diet combined with HIIT cardio followed by strength workout.

The third key point in curving those bumpy lines are consistent skin treatments.

Anti-cellulite skin creams work locally to burn the fat tissue, restore the damaged elastin in connecting tissue which at the results in reduced dimples.

Most of the commercially available creams include chemicals that your skin soaks up and stores. With frequent use it can lead to serious health problems such as cancerogenious tissue, endocrine disruptions, irritations and the list goes on.

That’s is way Naturica has came up with the natural formula to locally treat your skin cellulite in the most healthy way.

Naturica Tone & Tighten anti-cellulite cream is made from organic coffee butter and roasted oil that contain caffeine, which has stimulating effects by improving blood flow and eliminating excess water. By stimulating the skin metabolism, you are burning fatty cells while relaxing on the sofa after applying Naturica cream.

Organic aloe vera leaf juice and chamomile extract deeply moisturize the skin while grapefruit and citrus seed oil flushes the toxins from the epidermis (skin surface). Horsetail plant promotes natural collagen production that firms the connecting tissue and tones the surface of your skin.

Our research has shown that applying Naturica anti-cellulite cream twice a day can show visible result in just 28 days. The skin is much smoother and dimple free.

This specially designed formula is used for breast and bum firming that visible lifts the loose connecting tissue. 

Naturica Tone & Tighten Breast + Bum firming cream

For highly compromised skin elasticity, that has visible stretch marks, our formula with orange and grapefruit seed extract removes the stretch marks very effectively by enabling the dermis to regenerative itself. 

Naturica Tone & Tighten stretchmarks cream.

The cellulite ends now with Naturica Tone & Tighten package.

If you have a burning question to ask or need professional assistance feel free to ask our Tone & Tight professionals.

Naturica Team

Tone and Tighten - Stretchmark Cream